Over the past couple of weeks One Came Home has been edited into a version which can be viewed by distribution company representatives and others who will assist us as we take the movie to market. The comments have been extremely encouraging, to say the very least, and we have only a few minor tweaks to take care of at this point. The final color correction has to be done, the audio mix has be completed, the full orchestral score has to be melded into the film and a few other minor points have to be accomplished for the "finished" version - the version that can be presented to the public - to be fully realized. It has been a long race, and we are very close to the finish line.
As we begin these final processes, we also begin to look forward to our next project. At the outset of One Came Home, we tried to make it clear that this film would be the first of many projects for Bearden/Tankersley and our Memphis group of talented crew and cast. Our confidence has not waned. We are determined to produce films that have strong stories, real characters and production quality that ranks with any city, anywhere. But, One Came Home has to be shown. And we have to prove that our business model is indeed a business model that has a solid foundation. We hope and trust that over the next few months, cast and crew, friends and family will be there for us to help promote the film, to view the film in theaters, to purchase the DVD when it becomes available and to share in our celebration.